
Password: Obey your thirst.
Great I'm in. Sweet! I'm starving though. Ok that's a bit exaggerated but still, I could eat. I've got options for days so that's working in my favour. The first thing I see is what's going into “Mzwa's Kitchen,” which will be an actual thing as soon as I get money, but, I digress.
Right. At this moment I have all my ingredients on the counter. Except one, the chicken fish fillets. They're swimming in the sink right now, defrosting. I think I'll pull those out now. Sweet! My laptop keyboard is a little wet but it won't die. I need to chop the chicken up. I've sliced the baby marrow nicely, and chopped half the tomatoe I might use. Oh yes, and the garlic. Just a table spoon worth should be enough. Pick n Pay was nice enough to provide me the garlic chopped up and placed in a container. So I'm good.
I've brought out the team too. “Team Spice!” The name's a work in progress so...
Anyway, they're out; Italian herbs, Lemmon Pepper, White Pepper and for their debut appearance in the kitchen, Lemon & Rosemary accompanied by Sweet Basil. I just need to bring the chutney and BBQ sauce out now. Time to get “intimate” with the chicken (thanks Queen!). I can't type and do this at the same time so let me handle business real quick :)
[5 minutes later]
Ok I'm back. I had to get the chutney and BBQ sauce into the chicken first. I don't have a deep explanation for that except that maybe perhaps...no, no deep explanation at all. I've just found it makes it easier for the spices and herbs to stick to the chicken. And I'm also a big fan of chutney (shout to Mrs. H.S. Ball's Extra Hot Chutney!) I got the spices into that chicken immediately after being satisfied with the intimacy my fingers, the chutney & BBQ Sauce and the chicken had shared. Go for it in what ever order you want, just don't over do the seasoning. I have a little spice and herb dance I do when I'm having a go at this so have fun. Don't leave it at, “oh the spices are in the chicken now.” Nah fam, go in with your fingers and make sure...
If you giggled at that last statement, stop being childish. We're talking about food here.
Ok, my spaghetti is done now by the way. I'm excited for what I'm going to do with that. But back to the chicken. I'm going to slide that into a pan with a little bit of oil. Not too little that I'll burn the chicken but not too much that I'll drown the chicken and give it it's second death. Understood? Great.
I'll admit watching the chicken get cooked is only half the pleasure from this cooking endeavour. The aroma being thrown into my kitchen right now, Godly!!! If you're following my instruction then you know what I mean. Wait for the chicken to turn a little golden brown before you let the garlic into the pan. There's something about garlic and meat I don't quite get yet. It seems to enhance the taste of the meat somewhat. Thanks again Queen. :)
Don't allow the garlic to burn. You'll see when it's ready too. Yes! Time to throw in the baby marrow and the French Stir Fry!!! The colour, the aroma, the sound! Turn Down For What!?!?! Uhm, for the purpose of not burning your meal, stay focussed. Make sure you're cooking at medium heat, this isn't a bonfire.
Ok, so the chicken tastes perfect. I know this because I tasted it from the pan. My mom isn't here so I can do what I want, (dances like Bruno Mars). The stir fry is also looking extra nca, tasted that too. But wait, what's this? I still have this spaghetti?
In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have thrown the spaghetti into the pan. I mean I wasn't using a big enough pan, and I actually wanted to have some left overs for school tomorrow, (scarftin vibes) but it worked out.
I had a little saving to do with the meal though; little additions of salt, a little BBQ Spice, a little bit of awesomeness in there for good measure, but, you'll figure it out. I only really realized what I was making when I was finished cooking.
Cooking is just a big legal self-funded experiement. Don't be shy to have fun with it. If worst comes to worst you'll burn something a little. If not though, you'd have made something that looks good and tastes amazing for yourself to devour.
Time to eat.
Mzwa Thx Contributor